Friday, July 1, 2011

i bike you a lot.

my new ride, yesssir.

so i just got back from a nice looooong bike ride (in the sun i might add - finally), such a nice way to end a long, hectic work week...

in case you didn't know, biking is my new obsession. but not just any kind of biking...i'm talking about the leisurely, no hills in site, bike to the cute little coffee shop down the street kind of biking...and of course - downhill is always better...duh.

*this should end my denial about my lack of athleticism...

when i was a little girl i LOVED riding my bike, it's just what i did...well that, along with the occasional rollerblading kristi yamaguchi style to the ever so popular ace of base (did i mention the music came from my battery powered black boom-box?). ohhh, the 90s - so great...

anyway, my childhood bike is long gone, and my hot pink and black bike, circa 1992 is at the beach, so a few months ago i decided it was time to purchase a new set of hawwwt wheels. after several weeks surfing craigslist i stumbled across a little gem that i just had to have.

it's a vintage dunelt, bright electric blue...made in england (which instantly makes it 100 times more charming) and it's a single speed.

hello, i'm officially a portlander.

and look, he owns one too - oooh so classy...

with that being said - i really don't have a reason to shop for a new bike anymore, only to admire how cute so many bikes can be...

let's admire together, shall we?

electra, single-speed gypsy cruiser
felt, woman's cruiser

 vintage bike

because i just had to...

1 comment:

  1. Cute bike. That is my kind of bike riding.

    Thanks for putting that song in my head now:)

